4 Ways to Protect Your Lawn from Your Pet Pooch’s Urine

Pet owners love their dogs for many reasons. Yet, they might find a few of their fur baby’s antics highly annoying. One such dog behavior is spraying on the lawn. Dog urine is loaded with nitrogen compounds that can burn freshly cut grass or turn them yellow after repeated spraying.

It is worth noting that the frequency of dog sprays determines the amount of damage caused to the lawn. On the flip side, a puppy might pick up fleas and ticks when exploring the areas around tall grass in a garden. These parasite attacks should be problematic because of the potential infestation and diseases they carry.

As a pet parent it may be worth looking into the benefits that come with being financially prepared in the form of dog insurance NZ to handle unplanned vet visits in times like these and many more. Spend some time looking into the best and cheap pup insurance policies online, weigh the benefits, then request and compare quotes before signing up for a pet policy that best suits their pet.

In the meantime, puppy owners can read this article to learn four ways to protect their lawn from their pet pooch’s urine.

1.Have a dedicated pee zone

Condition a canine fur baby to pee in a zone dedicated to peeing. An exclusive spot just for relieving themselves can save their owners much misery. Just like house training, put the puppy on a leash and patiently wait until they finish their business in the designated area of the yard. As always, reward the puppy with treats and verbal praises to reinforce the good behavior.

2.Look after the grass

Even diluted dog pee can easily harm the lawn. Remember that nitrogen is a key component of fertilizers, yet, it can kill plants/grass when used more than necessary. It is precisely why one must use fertilizers with balanced nitrogen content, water the lawn, and consider replacing the dead greens with new grass regularly. When a puppy sprays on the dedicated pee zone, water the area to dilute the urine and lower its impact on the lawn.

3.Encourage the puppy to drink water

A puppy that drinks plenty of water stays hydrated, will have good bowel movements and sprays diluted urine (which contains less nitrogen). So, provide the dog access to fresh water in bowls and fountains. Also, consider offering water in chilled bowls, ice blocks, dog-safe ice cream candies, and fresh fruit juices with ice cubes on hot summer days to encourage sipping liquids.

4.Choose a stronger grass variety

Replant the lawn with a resistant grass variety. The grass variety one should choose depends on the soil type and climatic conditions of the place where it needs to be planted. Ornamental grass, moss, and clover are some long-lasting and pee-resistant grasses that require less water to grow.

Puppy owners can follow the above tips to hopefully shield their lawns from dog’s sprays. With incessant training, a puppy will gradually learn not to pee in prohibited lawn areas. At the same time, by keeping away from the grasses and bushes the puppy is less likely to suffer a flea or tick attack.

However, there is no way to tell if a dog is completely safe, whether supervised or not. Consider purchasing dog insurance in NZ, so handling vet bills during unanticipated health situations is much easier. With cheap pup insurance, a puppy gets the basic health care it deserves at affordable costs. Isn’t this a reason enough to explore pet policies?

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