Important Facts About Menstruation

Menstruation or period, sometimes also called menses, is the shedding of the womb lining. Menstruation is a normal part of a woman’s sexual health during her reproductive years. Menstruation, which includes vaginal bleeding, is found primarily in humans and closely related animals such as primates. Endometrial tissue is detached from the womb and passed through the vaginal canal. Women have their periods every 28 days on average; however, there is some variation in this cycle, ranging from a 24-day cycle to a 35-day cycle. A period is a natural part of a woman’s menstrual cycle, indicating that the body functions normally. I have discussed all the essential facts about menstruation in this article and read more about them.

Key Points About Menstruation

• Periods typically begin between the ages of eight and sixteen.
• On average, 5 to 12 teaspoons of blood are lost.
• Bloating, irritability and breast tenderness are all symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
• Many women experience irregular periods, but you can consult a doctor if you are concerned.

What is a Period?

Menstruation indicates the start of a woman’s reproductive years, and she can become pregnant as soon as she has her first period or a few days before. Menstruation will end with menopause, which occurs between 45 and 55.
A young woman’s first period will be noticeable because blood will flow from her vagina. A woman has two ovaries, each containing several eggs. During the reproductive years, an egg is released once a month. In addition, the womb prepares a lining every month in case the egg becomes fertilized.

When the egg does not fertilize, the lining is no longer required and will be shed along with the egg. This shedding appears to us as blood referred to as a period. If the egg is fertilized, the lining will be required by the womb and will not be shed. This is why, when pregnancy begins, periods cease.

The Age When Period Starts

Menarche is the start of menstruation. It will occur when all of a girl’s reproductive system components have matured and are functioning correctly. Periods usually begin between 12 and 14 years for girls, but this can range from 8 to 16 years. The period is an important part of a girl’s puberty, and it is one of several physical indicators that a girl matures into a woman.

A girl may notice more clear vaginal discharge six months before her first period. Unless there is a strong odor of discharge or causes itching, this is normal and causes no concern. Periods will occur regularly until the woman reaches menopause.

The Menstrual Cycle

During the reproductive cycle, the pituitary gland in the brain releases hormones to stimulate the ovaries. These hormones stimulate the growth and maturation of some of the woman’s eggs, which are stored in the follicles of her ovaries. The follicles begin to produce a hormone known as estrogen. The increased estrogen causes the womb lining to thicken in preparation for the fertilization of an egg.

If a woman has sex within a few days of the egg being released and there is sperm in her fallopian tube, the egg may be fertilized, and she will become pregnant. However, it is essential to note that pregnancy can occur with unprotected sex at any time during the menstrual cycle.

If the egg is not fertilized, the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases, and the uterine lining (endometrium) begins to degrade. This marks the beginning of the period. The period contains a small amount of blood as well as the endometrium. The bleeding is caused by the womb’s fine blood vessels breaking as the lining detaches.

A period usually lasts five days; the bleeding is usually more intense during the first two days. Even when the blood flow appears to be heavy, blood loss is generally in the range of 5 to 12 teaspoons. Menorrhagia is a condition in which some women have heavier than usual periods. A doctor should evaluate menorrhagia because it can lead to complications such as anemia caused by a low blood count.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual tension (PMT) refers to a group of emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle. Some women may experience the following symptoms in the days preceding their period:

• Acne
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Low mood
• Overeating
• Slight weight gain
• Lack of concentration
• Bloating in the abdomen
• Pains, particularly backache
• Breast tenderness or swelling
• Headaches, including migraines,
• Feeling generally emotional or troubled

The symptoms generally improve once the woman’s period begins and shedding blood. In most cases, signs should be entirely gone by the end of the period. The following factors may exacerbate PMS:

• Stress
• Caffeine consumption.
• Depression or other mental illness in the past
• Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption
• History of PMS in the family
• Lack of specific vitamins and minerals, calcium, and B vitamins

If you also experience unusual or painful menstruation, you should consult a Gynecologist. You can book an appointment with one of the Best Gynecologists in Karachi through Marham.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- What is the primary function of menstruation?

The menstrual cycle is caused by a complex interaction of hormones from the brain and the ovaries. The menstrual cycle’s purpose is to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. A menstrual bleed occurs when pregnancy does not happen, referred to as a menstrual period or menstruation.

2- Is it possible for a woman to become pregnant after menstruation?

You are most fertile during ovulation (the release of an egg from your ovaries), which usually takes place 12 to 14 days before your next period. This is the most likely time of the month for you to become pregnant. It’s unlikely that you’ll become pregnant right after your period, but it could happen.

3- When do most women begin menstruation?

Every girl’s body operates on its timetable. There isn’t a particular age at which a girl should start getting her period. However, there are some indications that it will begin soon: A girl’s period usually begins about two years after her breasts begin to develop.

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